Winners of The Planet Saver Green Business Of The Year Award - China Fleet Country Club
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Winners of The Planet Saver Green Business Of The Year Award

We are proud to announce that we are the winners of The Planet Saver Green Business of The Year award by Devon and Plymouth Chamber. This award recognises organisations with sustainability at the heart of their business. They are fully committed to sustainable best practice and making the world a better and safer place.
China Fleet Country Club has introduced a range of green initiatives to reduce our environmental impact, including the installation of 373kWh of solar panels in the past 12 months generating clean energy and significantly reducing our carbon footprint. In addition to our renewable technology, we have our own water supply and treatment plant, which makes us self-sufficient and able to supply quality water with little environmental impact. In 2019 we implemented a waste reduction program that includes recycling all our plastic, cardboard, tins, aluminium, bottles, newspapers and cooking oil, we also use a zero to landfill waste company and encourage our guests to recycle. We have, installed energy-efficient lighting and appliances, reduced the use of paper by implementing digital systems and have worked closely with our workforce to implement a sustainable culture across the company. Recently we installed 3 high speed EV charging units and 1 slow charging unit in our car park and we introduced a workplace cycle scheme for our employees.
“We are delighted and very proud to be the winners of The Planet Saver Award,” said Dean Bennett, Managing Direct of China Fleet Country Club. “We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability to our members, visitors and guests. We will continue implementing renewable and energy-saving measures across our estate, helping to achieve our net zero goals”

Learn more about all that we do here

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