Will it be a White or Green Christmas? - China Fleet Country Club
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Will it be a White or Green Christmas?

Christmas is nearly upon us, and one of the perennial questions everyone’s already asking is: are we going to get a white Christmas? Well, at the time of writing this, it seems unlikely. According to the Met Office, there have only been four occasions in the UK in the last 51 years that have been classed as a White Christmas.

However, this year, I’m dreaming of a green Christmas!

Following COP26, there’s been a lot of great publicity around the climate and how we can all play a part. With Christmas fast approaching, it’s a great time to rethink the traditions and see if we can all be a little bit greener this year.  We can still make the most of the festive season without costing the earth.

From food waste to cards, there’s lots we can do both at home and at work.

Did you know at China Fleet Country Club we’re committed to reducing the impact we have on our environment all year round? We have our own water supply and treatment plant making us self sufficient, use LED lights, source local suppliers, switched to paper straws and cups, recycle, have electrical charging points on site for electric cars and we work with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust for bird watching on our Woodland Fairy Trail. We’re proud of the work we do but we are always striving to do more.

So, at home, what can we do to have a greener, more sustainable Christmas?

According to recent statistics, the UK creates 30% more waste than usual over Christmas. 

We use a staggering 227,000 miles of wrapping paper and 1 billion cards which all end up in the bin. Plus, 20% of gifts – some 120 million items – will be headed for landfill on Boxing Day.

It’s a Wrap

Wrapping paper is still one of the most wasted materials at Christmas, so try to buy recyclable wrapping paper, steer clear of anything shiny, plastic-lined or decorated with glitter, which are not recyclable. Try the “scrunch” test – anything that doesn’t hold its shape when scrunched into a ball is not recyclable.

Deck the Halls 

When decorating your home for Christmas, use the decorations that you already have. Or, buy ones made from recycled materials or even forage the garden for foliage.

Forest-friendly or plantable Christmas cards

A quarter of us no longer write Christmas cards, but there is a way to send seasons greetings without costing the earth. Look for cards with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) mark. Plantable cards are growing in popularity, too, you can literally plant the card in a pot or garden and watch the flowers grow!

Advent Calendars

Invest in a reusable advent calendar and fill it with a variety of sweet gifts. You can even treat your dog to a calendar too. I plan to make one for my little pooch this year stuffed with dog-friendly treats!


Try to cut any waste by planning ahead – be realistic about how much food you need and use up leftovers. Leftover food may be unavoidable, but you can save it and enjoy it the next day. Who doesn’t love cold leftovers with chutney and a chunk of cheese!  You can search www.lovefoodhatewaste.com to find a leftover food recipe.  Simply enter the ingredients you have and it will inspire you!

LED Christmas lights

If every UK household swapped a string of incandescent lights for its LED equivalent, we could save more than £11 million and 29,000 tonnes of CO2, just over the 12 days of Christmas.

When it comes to eco-friendly Christmas decorations, LEDs are far better than traditional twinkling incandescent lights, because they use up to 80% less energy.

Wishing you a sustainable Christmas and a green New Year

Woodland Fairy Trail

China Fleet Sustainability

See you next week and see you at the Club soon,

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