What’s The Secret to Keeping Your Resolutions? China Fleet Country Club
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What’s The Secret to Keeping Your Resolutions?

What are your New Year resolutions for 2020? Are they to keep fit? Did you know apparently 80% of resolutions fail by February?

So how can you help ensure that your health and fitness resolutions stay around longer than that last mince pie?

Apparently, the key is to start the year off right with small, manageable changes to your lifestyle.  You could also take advantage of our ‘Up to £40 off membership throughout January!’ offer  

Here are our favourite Top 5 Tips to make your exercise habit stick from the exercise brand Les Mills….remember, you CAN do it!

Do exercise you enjoy

There is something for everyone when it comes to fitness, so the key thing is to do things that you enjoy. If you don’t know what you enjoy, then try everything! Dip your toe in the water – there are plenty of options.

Don’t overdo it

This one is key – people frequently start off an exercise routine by doing as much as they can as frequently as possible. 

Be nice to yourself – it’s okay to miss a day!

Set goals for how much you want to train, and then don’t beat yourself up if you miss one. Studies have shown that missing one planned session is completely fine. Not only will it not really affect you from an overall health and fitness point of view, but it also doesn’t affect whether or not you are going to build a habit.

It takes time to build a habit – lots of time

Studies have shown that it can take anything from 18 to 254 days to build a habit, depending on the individual. That is a huge range!  One thing is for certain though, you can’t build a habit of something you don’t do!

Celebrate success

In this busy world, we don’t celebrate our successes. Celebrating success in fitness is crucial to building a habit, as it provides positive reinforcement of a good habit. Successes can be small or large. 

Trying to keep your health-conscious New Year’s resolutions doesn’t have to be so difficult. It may be a struggle in the early days, but persevere and you’ll get there.

See you next week & hope to see you at the Club soon


On the Devon and Cornwall border on the banks of the River Tamar, China Fleet Country Club is one of the South West’s leading country clubs and hotel. With award winning golf, spa, beauty, gym, exercise classes, 4 star accommodation & brasserie and events, the Club is set in 180 acres near Plymouth. Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence, Trip Advisor Green Leaders Gold Level & South West Green Tourism Silver Awards & SW Wedding Venue of the Year Award 2019

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