Ballet Inspired Workout, Immune Boosting Food & Men’s Health - China Fleet Country Club
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Ballet Inspired Workout, Immune Boosting Food & Men’s Health

Hello, Debbie here again and welcome to our November edition of your monthly Live. Better blog!

There’s a definite change in the seasons now as the clocks have gone back and we are heading towards December. As Winter looms, there’s no better time to take a look at your diet and ensure you are getting as many immune boosting foods each day. See our top 7 food ideas below.

We also have a fantastic new virtual workout in the Studio, which is inspired by ballet training, in addition to many other new virtual classes here. Plus, for a quick read on Men’s Health and advice for looking after yourself or the men in your life, see Movember’s website link below.

Wrap up, eat well and keep moving.


Ballet-inspired workout to shape and tone.

We’re so excited to launch a new virtual class to China Fleet which has been designed to shape, tone and build strength.

LES MILLS BARRE™ is a modern version of classic balletic training; a 30-minute workout designed to shape and tone postural muscles, build core strength, and allow you to escape the everyday. Incorporating classic ballet positions, with modern music, LES MILLS BARRE is a combination of cardio and strength with high reps of small range-of-motion movements and very light weights.


Ballet dancers are amongst the world’s strongest athletes. LES MILLS BARRE™ combines a cardio peak with intensely targeted, high rep exercises that isolate and strengthen your muscles.

I’ve never done a barre class before. Does that matter?

Not at all. Simply follow our virtual instructors as they show you all of the appropriate options.

What should I expect in the class?

LES MILLS BARRE™ is a 30-minute ballet inspired style of training that works to shape and tone your whole body. Begin with a warm-up followed by a sequence of cardio-esque training, building to a cardio peak. Then move into ballet strength, using light weights, and finish with targeted balletic conditioning to complete your full body training.

If you’re seeking a different style of training, you will love LES MILLS BARRE™. Without the traditional barre to support you, the muscles supporting your body’s stability and strength becomes the focus. It may look beautiful, but don’t underestimate the burn.

All our classes make up part of Health Club membership, so try something new and join today, email for more details.


7 foods that can strengthen the immune system this Winter.

With the colder temperatures setting in, some may find themselves feeling under the weather thanks to the coughs, colds and bugs going around.

One way to avoid the dreaded Winter germs is to make sure that your immune system is ready to fight the bugs that could be in the air by eating plenty of vitamin rich foods.

Here’s our top 7…

Citrus Fruits

Since your body can’t produce or store it, eating foods rich in vitamin C every day is important.

Red Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers are also rich in beta carotene, which is not only a powerful antioxidant but also a provitamin which is converted into vitamin A in your body.

Sweet Potatoes

Just like red bell peppers, sweet potatoes are full of beta carotene, good for the immune system. They also contain vitamin A that is important for your skin, normal vision, and reproduction.


Garlic is a powerful antioxidant, and it contains allicin, a bioactive antibiotic that helps your body fight infections.


Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which your body cannot produce on its own, and it helps decrease inflammation and lower blood pressure.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which also makes it a great weapon against the Winter cold.


Yoghurt is important when it comes to building up your immune system. It contains riboflavin and zinc, as well as selenium and magnesium, which play a role in the production and protection of your white blood cells.


Men’s health. 

Globally, men die on average 5 years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable. Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: we can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives.

Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. They know what works for men – and what doesn’t.

5 minute READ here: ‘How can we take action? Top 5 things to know and do’  

See you next month for more latest health news, stories and tips that inspire healthy bodies, healthy minds and healthy lives.

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